Saturday, September 1, 2018

Back on the horse!

Well as the proverbial saying goes——time to get back on the horse. I need to get back on here and catch up on what I’ve been doing the last few months.

Of course, I have obviously fallen behind on my goal of 1 UFO a month to’s sort of been wild and crazy this year so far. February and March were pretty mellow, but then April started 2 quilt shows to vend at and a quilt retreat to teach at.

This is the class I taught a retreat.

I actually got some other tops done.

This next one I sewed together the step out blocks I had prepared for the class.

This next one is one of my students from a prior years retreat showing her finished quilt.

My DH and I joined a gym to get ready for his knee replacemaent surgery, so I decided I needed a gym bag.

Of course before we went through with the knee surgery, we had to have one last outing for a while on the Trike. We met up with some friends and went to Crystal Mountain and took the  Gondola to the top and had lunch. It was beautiful up there. You can see Mt. Rainier, Mt St. Helens, Mt. Baker and Mt. Adams. I think I got those right.

Another outing I did was one to Elma with a friend in tow. We decided we needed to take La Pistola out for a spin.

One of the classes I am teaching at the local LQS is the One Block Wonder. I have a sample already hanging at the shop, but I decided I need to do another. This is on my design wall now. I need to get this done soon.

Also, this year we have been doing a Gypsy Wife Class that is once a month for 10 months. The group has really bonded and didn't want to break up. We have now scheduled a class for Long Time Gone to start in January 2019. Here are the first 2 sections I have complete.

One other thing. I signed up for a Zippy Pouch swap in one of the FB groups I'm in. This is the one I made for my swap partner. It is a insulated pouch.

I also had a little down time, due to the fact that I took a little tumble. I was lucky, my face broke the fall. I ended up with some bruised ribs, possible broken toe and I'm not really sure if I broke my nose,  but I do have a little bump on the side of it. Right after that my DH had his knee surgery and so I've been playing nurse for the last 6 weeks. I'm getting back to my teaching schedule and show schedule however. He is getting around much better now, but we still have a couple of setbacks to overcome. Slow and steady I suppose.

Well I guess I should close this lengthy little post and save something for the next time. Yes there will be a next time, I promise. I need to get back to a routine.

Til later,
Hugs & Stitches,

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